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To see a list of publications by Dr. Franz, please visit his google scholar page.


Shelton AD, Allen JL, Mercer VS, Crenshaw JR, Franz JR. Surveys of self-perceived falls risk poorly correlate with instability elicited by walking balance perturbations. PLOS One (In press).

Wagner MM, Clark WH, Franz JR. The Aging Achilles Tendon: Model-Predicted Changes in Calf Muscle Neuromechanics. Journal of Biomechanics (In press).

White LT, Malcolm P, Franz JR, Takahashi KZ. The Effect of Shoe Insole Stiffness Modifications on Walking Performance in Older Adults: A Feasibility Study. Journal of Applied Biomechanics (In press).

Munsch AE, Evans-Pickett A, Davis-Wilson H, Pietrosimone B, Rauch CM, Roth JD, Franz JR. Limb underloading in walking transmits less dynamic knee joint contact forces after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Med Sci Sport Exerc (In press).

Gray AJ, Krupenevich RL, Batsis JA, Sawicki GS, Franz JR. Reduced Achilles tendon stiffness in aging associates with higher metabolic cost of walking. Journal of Applied Physiology (In press).

Büttner C, Lisee C, Bjornsen E, Buck A, Favoreto N, Creighton A, Kamath G, Spang J, Franz JR, Blackburn JT, Pietrosimone B. Comprehensive Analysis of Gait Biomechanics Throughout the First 12 Months Following ACL Injury and Reconstruction. Journal of Orthopaedic Research (In press).

Gray AK, Takahashi KZ, Kashefsky H, Franz JR. Foot-ankle mechanical transmission: age effects and the relation to ankle push-off during walking. Journal of Applied Biomechanics (In press).

Alamri R, Migel K, Cain MS, Song K, Pietrosimone B, Blackburn JT, Franz JR, Jang J, Lin F, Wikstrom E. Plantar Massage but not Ankle Mobilization Reduces Visual Reliance in those with Chronic Ankle Instability: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation (In press).

Jang J, Tennant J, Franz JR, Pietrosimone B, Wikstrom E. Chronic Ankle Instability Related Outcomes Associate with Ankle Joint Loading during Walking. J Athletic Training (In press).

Collins K, Lisee C, Bjornsen E, Armitano-Lago C, Buck A, Büttner C, Blackburn T, Schwartz TA, Favoreto N, Spang JT, Franz JR, Pietrosimone B. Peak Vertical Ground Reaction Force Used to Identify Sub-groups of Individuals with Differing Biomechanical Gait Profiles Post-Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Journal of Orthopaedic Research (In press).

Pimentel R, Armitano-Lago C, MacPherson R, Sathyan A, Twiddy J, Peterson K, Daniel M, Kiefer AW, Lobaton E, Pietrosimone B, Franz JR. Effect of sensor number and location on accelerometry-based vertical ground reaction force estimation during walking. PLOS Digital Health (In press).

Smith RE, Shelton AD, Sawicki GS, Franz JR. Plantarflexor weakness and lesser Achilles tendon stiffness with aging associate with greater gait instability. PLOS One (In press).

Baudendistel S, Franz JR, Schmitt A, Wade F, Pappas M, Au KK, Hass C. Propulsive Force Generation during Treadmill Walking in People with Parkinson Disease. Journal of Biomechanics (In press).

Buck AN, Lisee CM, Bjornsen ES, Schwartz TA, Spang JT, Franz JR, Blackburn JT, Pietrosimone BG. Biomechanical Thresholds for Identifying Posttraumatic Osteoarthritis-Related Symptoms Six Months Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Journal of Athletic Training (In press).

Armitano-Lago C, Evans-Pickett A, Davis-Wilson H, Munsch A, Longobardi L, Willcockson H, Schwartz TA, Franz JR, Pietrosimone B. Modifying loading during gait leads to biochemical changes in serum cartilage oligomeric matrix protein concentrations in a subgroup of individuals with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Clinical Rheumatology 43(4):1363-73.

Jang J, Franz JR, Pietrosimone BG, Wikstrom EA. Muscle Contributions to Reduced Ankle Joint Contact Force during Drop Vertical Jumps in Patients with Chronic Ankle Instability. Journal of Biomechanics 163:111926.

Shelton AD, McTaggart EM, Allen JL, Mercer VS, Crenshaw JR, Franz JR. Does the effect of walking balance perturbations generalize across contexts? Human Movement Science 93:103158.

Bjornsen E, Berkoff D, Blackburn T, Davis-Wilson H, Evans-Pickett A, Franz JR, Harkey M, Horton WZ, Lisee C, Luc-Harkey B, Munsch A, Nissman D, Pfeiffer S, Pietrosimone B. Sustained limb-level loading: A ground reaction force phenotype common to individuals at high-risk for and those with knee osteoarthritis. Arthritis & Rheumatology 76(4):566-76.

Davis-Wilson HC, Thoma LM, Franz JR, Blackburn JT, Longobardi L, Schwartz TA, Hackney AC, Pietrosimone B. Physical Activity Associates with T1rho MRI of Femoral Cartilage Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise 56(3):411-417.


Ellie OS, Franz JR, Selgrade BP (2023). The Effects of Optical Flow Perturbations on Standing Balance in People with Multiple Sclerosis. Journal of Applied Biomechanics 40(2): 122-8.

Kwon Y, Chilton LK, Kim H, Franz JR. The effect of prolonged walking on leg muscle activity patterns and vulnerability to perturbations. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 73:102836.

Shelton AD, McTaggart EM, Allen JL, Mercer VS, Crenshaw JR, Franz JR. Does vulnerability to walking balance perturbations generalize across contexts? Human Movement Science (In press).

Bjornsen E, Berkoff D, Blackburn T, Davis-Wilson H, Evans-Pickett A, Franz JR, Harkey M, Horton WZ, Lisee C, Luc-Harkey B, Munsch A, Nissman D, Pfeiffer S, Pietrosimone B. Sustained limb-level loading: A ground reaction force phenotype common to individuals at high-risk for and those with knee osteoarthritis. Arthritis & Rheumatology 76(4):566-76.

Pimentel RE, Sawicki G, Franz JR. Simulations suggest walking with reduced propulsive force would not mitigate the energetic consequences of lower tendon stiffness. PLOS One 18(10): e0293331.

Ellie OS, Franz JR, Selgrade BP. The Effects of Optical Flow Perturbations on Standing Balance in People with Multiple Sclerosis. Journal of Applied Biomechanics 40(2):122-8.

Davis-Wilson HC, Thoma LM, Franz JR, Blackburn JT, Longobardi L, Schwartz TA, Hackney AC, Pietrosimone B. Physical Activity Associates with T1rho MRI of Femoral Cartilage Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise 105:105979.

Eichenlaub EK, Duque Urrego D, Sapovadia S, Allen J, Mercer VS, Crenshaw JR, Franz JR. Susceptibility to walking balance perturbations in young adults is largely unaffected by anticipation. Human Movement Science 89:103070.

Funk CJ, Krupenevich RL, Sawicki GS, Franz JR. Exploring the Functional Boundaries and Metabolic Consequences of Triceps Surae Force-Length Relations during Walking. Journal of Biomechanics 158:111771. (2021 ASB Journal of Biomechanics Award Paper).

Cone SG, Kim H, Thelen DG, Franz JR. 3D characterization of the triple-bundle Achilles tendon from in vivo high-field MRI. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 41(10):2315-2321.

Bjornsen E, Davis-Wilson H, Evans-Pickett A, Horton WZ, Lisee C, Munsch AE, Nissman D, Blackburn JT, Franz JR, Pietrosimone B. Knee Kinetics and the Medial Femoral Cartilage Cross-Sectional Area Response to Loading in Individuals with Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Clinical Biomechanics 105:105979.

Lisee C, Evans-Pickett A, Davis-Wilson H, Longobardi L, Lalush D, Franz JR, Munsch AE, Pietrosimone B. Delayed changes in biochemical biomarkers in response to loading are associated with lateral femoral cartilage T1ρ Post-ACLR. Eur J Appl Phys 123(11):2525-35.

Armitano-Lago C, Davis-Wilson HC, Evans-Pickett A, Lisee C, Kershner CE, Blackburn JT, Franz JR, Kiefer AW, Nissman D, Pietrosimone BP. Gait Variability Structure Linked to Worse Cartilage Composition Post-ACL Reconstruction. Medicine & Science in Sport & Exercise 55(8):1499-1506.

Boyer KA, Hayes KL, Umberger BR, Adamczyk PG, Bean JF, Brach JS, Clark BC, Clark DJ, Ferrucci L, Finley J, Franz JR, Golightly YM, Hortobagyi T, Hunter S, Narici M, Nicklas B, Roberts T, Sawicki G, Simonsick E, Kent JA. Age-related changes in gait biomechanics and their impact on the metabolic cost of walking: Report from a National Institute on Aging workshop. Experimental Gerontology 173:112102.


Takahashi KZ, Krupenevich RL, Lenz AL, Kelly LA, Rainbow MJ, Franz JR. Mechanics and energetics of human feet: a contemporary perspective for understanding mobility impairments in older adults. Biomechanics 2(4): 494-499.

Zhang Q, Fragnito N, Franz JR, Sharma N. Fused ultrasound and electromyography-driven neuromuscular model to improve plantarflexion moment prediction across walking speeds. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 19(1): 86.

Munsch AE, Pietrosimone B, Franz JR. Walking Speed Does Not Affect Net Vastus Lateralis Fascicle Length Change on Average During Weight Acceptance. Journal of Biomechanics (In press.)

Pimentel RE, Feldman JN, Lewek MD, Franz JR. Quantifying mechanical and metabolic interdependence between speed and propulsive force during walking. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living 4:942498.

Munsch AE, Evans-Pickett A, Davis-Wilson A, Pietrosimone B, Franz JR. Quadriceps Muscle Action and Association with Knee Joint Biomechanics in Individuals with Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Journal of Applied Biomechanics 38(5): 328-335.

Beck ON, Schroeder JN, Trejo LH, Franz JR, Sawicki GS. Shorter Muscle Fascicle Operating Lengths Increase the Metabolic Cost of Cyclic Force Production. Journal of Applied Physiology 133(3):524-33.

Shelton AD, McTaggart EM, Allen JL, Mercer VS, Franz JR. Slowing Down to Preserve Balance in the Presence of Optical Flow Perturbations. Gait & Posture 96:365-370.

Fang Y, Harshe K, Franz JR, Lerner ZF. Feasibility evaluation of a dual-mode ankle exoskeleton to assist and restore community ambulation in older adults. Wearable Technologies 3: E13.

Ahuja S and Franz JR. The Metabolic Cost of Walking Balance Control and Adaptation in Young Adults. Gait & Posture 96:190-4.

Franz JR, Finni T, Takahashi KZ, Vanwanseele B, De Groote F. Current Opinion: The need for systems-based biomechanics to understand the causes and consequences of altered muscle-tendon unit function in elderly gait. Brazilian Journal of Motor Behavior (In press).

Lynch DH, Spangler H, Franz JR, Krupenevich RL, Kim H, Nissman D, Zhang J, Li Y, Sumner S, Batsis JA. Multimodal Diagnostic Approaches to Advance Precision Medicine in Sarcopenia and Frailty. Nutrients 14(7):1384.

Zhang Q, Clark WH, Franz JR. Sharma N. Personalized fusion of ultrasound and electromyography-derived neuromuscular features increases prediction accuracy of ankle moment during plantarflexion. Biomedical Signal Processing & Control. 71:103100.

Lisee C, Davis-Wilson H, Evans-Pickett A, Horton WZ, Blackburn T, Franz JR, Thoma L, Spang JT, Pietrosimone B. Linking gait biomechanics and daily steps post ACL-reconstruction. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 54(5):709-16.

Armitano-Lago CN, Pietrosimone B, Evans-Pickett A, Davis-Wilson H, Franz JR, Blackburn JT, Kiefer AW. Cueing changes in peak vertical ground reaction force to improve coordination dynamics in walking. Journal of Motor Behavior 54(1):125-134.

Davis-Wilson HC, Thoma LM, Longobardi L, Franz JR, Blackburn JT, Hackney AC, Pietrosimone B. Quality of Life Associates with Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Journal of Athletic Training 57(6):532-39.


Song K, Franz JR, Wikstrom EA. Optical Flow Balance Perturbations Alter Gait Kinematics and Variability in Chronic Ankle Instability Patients. Gait & Posture 92:271-276

Franz JR. Focus Article: A sound approach to improving exoskeletons and exosuits. Science Robotics 6:60: eabm6369.

Clark WH and Franz JR. Age-Related Changes to Triceps Surae Muscle-Subtendon Interaction Dynamics During Walking. Scientific Reports 11(1):21264.

Kim H and Franz JR. Age-related differences in calf muscle recruitment strategies in the time-frequency domain during walking as a function of task demand. Journal of Applied Physiology 131(4):1348-60.

Lehr NL, Clark WH, Lewek MD, Franz JR. The Effects of Triceps Surae Muscle Stimulation on Localized Achilles Subtendon Tissue Displacements. Journal of Experimental Biology 225(15):242135.

Waanders JB, Murgia A, DeVita P, Franz JR, Hortobágyi T. Age does not affect the relationship between muscle activation and joint work during incline and decline walking. Journal of Biomechanics 124:110555.

Krupenevich RL, Ray SF, Kashefsky HE, Takahashi KZ, Franz JR. Effects of age and locomotor demand on foot mechanics during walking. Journal of Biomechanics 123:110499.

Krupenevich RL, Beck ON, Sawicki GS, Franz JR. Reduced Achilles tendon stiffness disrupts calf muscle neuromechanics in elderly gait. Gerontology 16;1-11.

Krupenevich RL, Funk CJ, Franz JR. Automated Analysis of Medial Gastrocnemius Muscle-Tendon Junction Displacements During Isolated Contractions and Walking Using Deep Neural Networks. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 206: 106120.

Pieper NL, Baudendistel ST, Hass CJ, Diaz GB, Krupenevich RL, and Franz JR. The metabolic and mechanical consequences of altered propulsive force generation in walking. Journal of Biomechanics 122: 110447.

Pimentel RE, Pieper NL, Clark WH, Franz JR. Muscle metabolic energy costs while modifying propulsive force generation during walking. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 24(14):1552-1565.

Conway KA, Crudup KL, Lewek MD, Franz JR. The effects of a 6-week horizontal impeding force gait training protocol on push-off intensity in older adults. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 53(3):574-580.

Herrero L, Franz JR, Lewek MD. Gradually learning to increase gait propulsion in young unimpaired adults. Human Movement Science 75:102745.

Clark WH, Pimentel RE, Franz JR. Imaging and simulation of inter-muscular differences in triceps surae contributions to forward propulsion during walking. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 49(2): 703-715.


Armitano-Lago CN, Pietrosimone B, Davis-Wilson H, Evans-Pickett A, Franz JR, Blackburn JT, Kiefer AW. Biofeedback augmenting lower limb loading alters the underlying temporal structure of gait following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Human Movement Science 73:102685.

Awad LN, Lewek M, Kesar J, Franz JR, Bowden M. These legs were made for propulsion: Advancing the diagnosis and treatment of post-stroke propulsion deficits. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation (In press).

Beck ON, Gosyne JR, Franz JR, Sawicki GS. Cyclically producing the same average muscle-tendon force with a smaller duty increases metabolic rate. Proceedings of the Royal Society Part B 287(1933):2020043.

Munsch AE, Pietrosimone B, Franz JR. The effects of knee extensor moment biofeedback on gait biomechanics and quadriceps contractile behavior. PeerJ 8:e9509.

Evans-Pickett A, Davis-Wilson HC, Luc-Harkey BA, Blackburn TJ, Franz JR, Padua DA, Seeley MK, Pietrosimone B. Biomechanical Effects of Manipulating Peak Vertical Ground Reaction Force During Gait in Individuals with Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Clinical Biomechanics 76:105014.

Krupenevich RL, Clark WH, Sawicki GS, Franz JR. Older adults overcome reduced triceps surae structural stiffness to preserve ankle joint quasi-stiffness during walking. Journal of Applied Biomechanics 5:1-8.

Selgrade BP, Meyer D, Sosnoff JJ, Franz JR. Can optical flow perturbations detect walking balance impairment in people with multiple sclerosis? PloS One 15(3): e0230202.

Selgrade BP, Childs ME, Franz JR. Effects of age and target location on reaction time and accuracy of lateral precision stepping during walking. Journal of Biomechanics 104:109710.

Luc-Harkey BA, Franz JR,Hackney AC, Blackburn JT, Padua DA, Schwartz TA, Pietrosimone B. Immediate biochemical changes after gait biofeedback in individuals with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Journal of Athletic Training 55(10):1106-1115.

Conway KA and Franz JR, Shorter gastrocnemius fascicle lengths in older adults associate with worse capacity to enhance push-off intensity in walking. Gait & Posture 77: 89-94.

Pieper NL, Lewek MD, Franz JR. Can shank acceleration provide a clinically feasible surrogate for individual limb propulsion during walking? Journal of Biomechanics 98:109449.

Waanders JB, Murgia A, Hortobágyi H, DeVita P, Franz JR. How age and surface inclination affect joint moment strategies to accelerate and decelerate individual leg joints during walking. Journal of Biomechanics 98(2):109440.

Qiao M, Richards JT, Franz KR. Visuomotor error augmentation affects mediolateral head and trunk stabilization during walking. Human Movement Science 68:102525.

Clark WH and Franz JR, Triceps surae muscle-subtendon interaction differs between young and older adults. Connective Tissue Research 61(1):104-113. *Invited, Special Issue on Aging.


Richards JT, Selgrade BP, Qiao M, Plummer P, Wikstrom EA, Franz JR. Time-dependent tuning of balance control and aftereffects following optical flow perturbation training in older adults. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 16:81.

Conway KA and Franz JR. Increasing the propulsive demands of walking to their maximum elucidates functionally limiting impairments in older adult gait. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 29:1-28.

Browne MG and Franz JR. Ankle power biofeedback attenuates the distal-to-proximal redistribution in older adults. Gait & Posture 71:44-49.

Clark WH and Franz JR. Activation-dependent changes in soleus length-tension behavior augment ankle joint quasi-stiffness. Journal of Applied Biomechanics 35(3):182-189.

Waanders JB, Hortobágyi T, Murgia A, DeVita P, Franz JR. Advanced age redistributes positive but not negative leg joint work during walking. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 51(4): 615-23.

Stenroth L, Thelen DG, Franz JR. Biplanar ultrasound investigation of in vivo Achilles tendon displacement non-uniformity. Translational Sports Medicine 2(2):73-81.

Acuña SA, Francis CA, Franz JR, Thelen DG. The effects of cognitive load and visual feedback on antagonist leg muscle coactivation during walking for young and older adults. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 44:8-12.

Franz JR, Khanchandani A, McKenney H, Clark WH. Ankle rotation and muscle loading effects on the calcaneal tendon moment arm: an in vivo imaging and modeling study. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 47(2):590-600.


Luc-Harkey BA, Franz JR, Hackney AC, Blackburn JT, Padua DA, Pietrosimone B. Lesser Lower Extremity Mechanical Loading Associates with a Greater Change in Serum Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein following Walking in Individuals with Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Clinical Biomechanics 60:13-19.

Fickey SN, Browne MG, Franz JR. Biomechanical effects of augmented ankle power output during human walking. Journal of Experimental Biology 221.

Thompson JD, Plummer P, Franz JR. Age and falls history effects on antagonist leg muscle coactivation during walking with balance perturbations. Clinical Biomechanics 59:94-100.

Allen JL and Franz JR. The motor repertoire of older adult fallers may constrain their response to balance perturbations. Journal of Neurophysiology 120(5):2368-2378.

Browne MG and Franz JR (2018). More push from your push-off: joint-level modifications to modulate propulsive forces in old age. Plos One; 13(8):e0201407.

Clark WH and Franz JR (2018). Do triceps surae muscle dynamics govern non-uniform Achilles tendon tissue displacements? PeerJ;6:e5182 .

Rasske K and Franz JR (2018). Aging effects on the Achilles tendon moment arm during walking. Journal of Biomechanics; 77:34-39.

Luc-Harkey BA, Franz JR, Losina E, Pietrosimone B (2018). Association between Kinesiophobia and Walking Gait Characteristics in Individuals with Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction.  Gait & Posture; 64: 220-25.

Conway KA, Bissette RG, Franz JR. The functional utilization of propulsive capacity during human walking. Journal of Applied Biomechanics (In press).

Luc-Harkey BA, Franz JR, Blackburn JT, Padua DA, Hackney AC, Pietrosimone B  (2018). Real-time Biofeedback Can Increase and Decrease Vertical Ground Reaction Force, Knee Flexion Excursion, and Knee Extension Moment during Walking in Individuals with Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Journal of Biomechanics; 76:94-102.

Qiao M, Truong K, Franz JR (2018). Does local dynamic stability during unperturbed walking predict the response to balance perturbations? An examination across age and falls history. Gait & Posture; 62: 80-85.

Qiao M, Feld JA, and Franz JR (2018). Aging effects on leg joint variability during walking with balance perturbations. Gait & Posture; 62: 27-33.


Browne MG and Franz JR (2017). Does dynamic stability govern propulsive force generation in human walking? Royal Society Open Science; 4: 171673.

Orselli MIV, Franz JR, Thelen DG (2017). The effects of Achilles tendon compliance on triceps surae mechanics and energetics in walking. Journal of Biomechanics; 60: 227-31.

Zelik KE and Franz JR (2017). It’s positive to be negative: Achilles tendon work loops during human locomotion. PLoS One; 12(7).

Wittenberg E, Thomspon JD, Nam CS, Franz JR (2017). Neuroimaging of human balance control: A systematic review. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience; 11:170.

Stokes HE, Thompson JD, Franz JR (2017). The neuromuscular origins of kinematic variability during perturbed walking. Nature: Scientific Reports; 7(1): 808.

Thompson JD and Franz JR (2017). Do kinematic metrics of walking balance control adapt to perturbed optical flow? Human Movement Science; 54: 34-40.

Browne MG and Franz JR (2017). The independent effects of speed and propulsive force on joint power generation in walking. Journal of Biomechanics; 55:48-55.

Rasske K, Thelen DG, Franz JR (2017). Variation in the human Achilles tendon moment arm during walking. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering; 20(2): 201-5.

Franz JR, Francis CA, Allen MS, Thelen DG (2017). Visuomotor entrainment and the frequency-dependent response of walking balance to perturbations. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering; 25(8):1135-42.


Franz JR (2016). The age-associated reduction in propulsive power generation in walking. Exercise and Sports Sciences Reviews; 44(4): 129-36.

Franz JR and Thelen DG (2016). Imaging and simulation of Achilles tendon dynamics: implications for walking performance in the elderly. Journal of Biomechanics; 29: 1403-10.


Francis CA, Franz JR, O’Connor SM, Thelen DG (2015). Gait variability in healthy old adults is more affected by a visual perturbation than by a cognitive or narrow step placement demand. Gait & Posture;  42(3): 380-5.

Franz JR and Thelen DG (2015). Depth-dependent variations in Achilles tendon deformations with age are associated with reduced plantarflexor performance during walking. Journal of Applied Physiology; 119(3): 242-9.

Franz JR, Francis, CA, Allen MS, O’Connor SM, Thelen DG (2015). Advanced age brings a greater reliance on visual feedback to maintain balance during walking. Human Movement Science; 40: 381-92.

Franz JR, Slane LC, Rasske K, Thelen DG (2015). Non-uniform in vivo deformations of the human Achilles tendon during walking. Gait & Posture; 41(1): 192-7.


Franz JR, Maletis M, Kram R (2014). Real-time feedback enhances forward propulsion during walking in old adults. Clinical Biomechanics; 29(1): 68-74.

Tung KD, Franz JR, Kram R (2014). A test of the metabolic cost of cushioning hypothesis in shod and unshod running. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise; 46:324-9.

Franz JR and Kram R (2014). Advanced age and the mechanics of uphill walking: a joint-level, inverse dynamic analysis. Gait & Posture; 39(1):135-40.


Franz JR, Kram R (2013). How does age affect leg muscle activity/coactivity during uphill and downhill walking? Gait & Posture; 37(3):378-84.

Franz JR, Kram R (2013). Advanced age affects the individual leg mechanics of level, uphill, and downhill walking. Journal of Biomechanics; 46(3):535-40.


Stephen D, D’Andrea SE, Niemi JB, Franz JR, Kerrigan DC (2012). Baseline-Dependent Effect of Noise-Enhanced Insoles on Gait Variability in Healthy Elderly Walkers. Gait & Posture; 36(3):537-40.

Kram R, Franz JR (2012). Is barefoot running more economical? International Journal of Sports Medicine; 33(3):249.

Franz JR, Wierzbinski C, Kram R (2012). The metabolic cost of running barefoot vs. shod: Is lighter better? Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise; 44(8):1519-25.

Franz JR, Kram R (2012). The effects of grade and speed on leg muscle activations during walking. Gait & Posture; 35(1):143-7.

Franz JR, Lyddon NE, Kram R (2012). Mechanical work performed by the individual legs during uphill and downhill walking. Journal of Biomechanics; 45(2):257-62.


Kram R, Arellano CA, Franz JR (2011). The metabolic cost of locomotion; muscle by muscle. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews; 39(2):57-8.

Watt RW, Jackson K, Franz JR, Dicharry J, Kerrigan DC (2011). Effect of a supervised hip flexor-stretching program on gait in frail elderly. PM&R Journal; 3(4):330-5.

Watt RW, Jackson K, Franz JR, Dicharry J, Kerrigan DC (2011). Effect of a supervised hip flexor-stretching program on gait in elderly individuals. PM&R Journal; 3(4):324-9.

Keenan G, Franz JR, Dicharry J, Della Croce U, Kerrigan DC (2011). Lower limb joint kinetics in walking: the role of industry recommended footwear. Gait & Posture; 33(3):350 5.


Watt JR, Franz JR, Jackson K, Dicharry J, Riley PO, Kerrigan DC (2010). A three-dimensional kinematic and kinetic comparison of overground and treadmill walking in elderly subjects. Clinical Biomechanics; 25(5):444-9.

Telhan G, Franz JR, Dicharry J, Wilder RP, Riley PO, Kerrigan DC (2010). Moderate grade slope has no effect on three-dimensional lower limb moments during running. Journal of Athletic Training; 45(1):16-21.

Riley PO, Franz JR, Dicharry J, Kerrigan DC (2010). Changes in hip joint muscle-tendon lengths with mode of locomotion. Gait & Posture; 31(2):279-83.


Kerrigan DC, Franz JR, Keenan GS, Dicharry J, Della Croce U, Wilder RP (2009). The effect of running shoes on lower extremity net joint torques. PM&R Journal; 1(12):1058-63.

Dicharry J, Franz JR, Wilder RP, Riley PO, Kerrigan DC (2009). Differences in static and dynamic measures in evaluation of talonavicular mobility in gait. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy; 39(8):628-34.

Franz JR, Paylo KW, Dicharry J, Riley PO, Kerrigan DC (2009). Changes in the coordination of hip and pelvis kinematics with mode of locomotion. Gait & Posture; 29(3):494-8.

Riley PO, Bennet BC, Franz JR, Dicharry J, Allair PE, Miller S, Kerrigan DC (2009). Controlled partial body weight support for treadmill training – a case study. PM&R Journal; 1(5):496-99.


Riley PO, Dicharry J, Franz JR, Wilder RP, Kerrigan DC (2008). A kinematic and kinetic comparison of overground and treadmill running. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise; 40(6):1093-100.

Franz JR, Riley PO, Dicharry J, Allaire PE, Kerrigan DC (2008). Gait synchronized force modulation during the stance period of one limb achieved by an active partial body weight support system. Journal of Biomechanics; 41(15):3116-20.

Franz JR, Dicharry J, Riley PO, Jackson K, Wilder RP, Kerrigan DC (2008). The influence of arch support cushions on knee torques relevant to knee osteoarthritis. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise; 40(5):913-7.


Franz JR, Glauser M, Riley PO, Della Croce U, Newton F, Allaire PE, Kerrigan DC (2007). Physiological modulation of gait variables by an active partial body weight support system. Journal of Biomechanics; 40(14): 3244-50.